I can only imagine the amount of revenue Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spice Latte is responsible for bringing into their coffers each year. It must be quite substantial. Heck, when they first came out with it in 2003, I alone must have bought enough of their Pumpkin Spice Latte’s to at least allow my local Starbucks to make rent for the months of September, October and November! Wikipedia says, “Pumpkin Spice Latte became Starbucks' most popular seasonal beverage, with more than 200 million sold between its 2003 introduction and 2015”. You do that math!
Anyways, I still love pumpkin spice lattes, but being older and wiser, I don’t need or want them daily or weekly. This year, I have not indulged in pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks or any other coffee shop. But, I am planning on making them on Thanksgiving Day to serve for dessert along with my Pumpkin Biscotti and Pumpkin Pie.
No doubt, making your own pumpkin spice lattes saves money. And they also taste better than what you can get at any coffee house. I made these lattes for the first-time last year and they were a big hit. Those family and friends that were too full from the Thanksgiving meal to indulge in pies and cakes, chose just to enjoy the pumpkin spice latte instead.