There is nothing like coming home to your dog. Whether one leaves for an hour or a week, upon return, the unconditional love and happiness they exude truly cannot be matched by any human. Any day, any time, the welcome always brings a smile to my face.
Some of you may know, my husband Matthew and I have two French Bulldogs, Victor & Hugo. They are just the best! And, of course, I’m a bit biased towards them and the breed in general. Frenchie’s are energetic, always happy, busy, very playful, loving, and big snugglers.
They are happiest sleeping on their owner’s lap (preferably covered with a warm blanket!), but also love interacting with other people and pets. They are people dogs. Don’t get a Frenchie, if you don’t want to be followed everywhere, share your bed, lap and your entire day.
They are also power sleepers, so even though they are active, sleeping takes up much of their day!
Our first Frenchie, Hugo came to us in October 2017. Having been shipped to us from a breeder in Missouri, we picked him up in cargo at Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT. He had my heart the moment he was pulled from his crate!
After a few years, I felt Hugo needed a baby brother, so I contacted our breeder and found they had just had a litter with the exact color and sex I wanted… a male lilac fawn (it was meant to be!). In May 2020 Victor arrived. This time he came thru TF Green in Providence, RI., not in a crate in cargo, but in coach sitting on the lap of a puppy nanny. Once off the plane, he was delivered right into my waiting arms.
I had heard having two dogs is no more work than having one. I’m here to say that is not true. Just like children, they have their own unique personalities. They are needy, a good type of double trouble and definitely require more time and effort. But, in the end I would not have it any other way. The love, laughter, and enjoyment they bring into our lives is incomparable.
I hope you are now experiencing or at one time have been able to experience the unconditional love of a dog or other pet. It is one of life’s great simple pleasures. If you do have a pet, give them a bit of extra love and treats this week for National Love Your Pet Day! And, if you have time, and a dog, make them some of Victor and Hugo’s favorite treats (made with olive oil, of course!).