Frost on the Pumpkin Olive Oil Cookies

When is the Right Time for Pumpkin Spice? I love pumpkin spice whether it's in a latte, pie, donuts, cake, ice cream and even in cream cheese smeared on a well toasted bagel. But I just can't bring myself to consume this flavor before it starts to get cooler. I'm to busy trying to enjoy the last of the fresh tomotoes, corn and the like. Just like Christmas, many big-name stores start pushing pumpkin spice well before the season. I swear the coffee chain from Seattle, which will remain nameless, started offering it's pumpkin spice latte in July!  Summers in...

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Got Zucchini?

Did you know every August 8th is “National Sneak your Zucchini on your Neighbors Porch Day”? Vegetable gardeners with too many “green clubs” and a conscience which will
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